Monday, September 7, 2009

why is bicycling important?

The goal of this site is to explore the ways in which design influences bicycling advocacy. Design plays a critical role in promoting bicycling and increasing bicycling use in both developed and developing nations.

But why is bicycling so important as a social design project?

Bicycling can be used as a solution to these problems in the US and other developed nations:
-pollution and climate change
-dependancy on foreign oil
-adult obesity and wellness
-childhood obesity
-nature deficit disorder
-disconnection to local environment
-self esteem and body image
-lack of play and non-work time
-lack of freedom and independence

In the developing world, bicycling can be used to:
-increase travel distance
-increase access to medical care and supplies
-increase access to education
-increase freedom, independence, and mobility

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